Hello, folks.
My documentary series is being featured on Infowars!
This is huge! We’re getting awareness!
Be sure to give Infowars writer Kelen Mcbreen (@KelenMcbreen) a follow on X!
If you haven’t watched episode 1 of my documentary series yet, be sure to check it out!
Episode 2 comes out next week!
Who’s to say that the original body temperature baseline was correct? Since we’ve been lied to about everything, not nearly everything, everything, can we actually trust the initial baseline temperature data?
I believe it’s critical for humanity’s survival that scientists / researchers begin an “in depth” review of all human health markers relative to today’s baseline markers.
Since “Trust the Science” Fauci has this incredible propensity for flat out lying or
“it’s my way or the highway” mentality, maybe by design human baseline indicators were incorrect to start with?
Of course this has nothing to do with my medical education and or experience, I have none but I can deduce and or decipher “fact vs fiction.”
Maybe I’m out in left field thinking this way, so be it, one thing is clear, since lockdowns everything in the medical field / Immunization fact-lies, especially the necessity for the childhood vaccine schedule, (optional IMO) have literally been unfounded and can be proven wrong!
Doctors themselves, not all but most, do not vaccinate their own children, why? Research has shown, unvaccinated children are healthier / smarter / etc. vs those children who have been vaccinated.
Autism Spectrum Disorders for example, are somewhere between 1/44 children! AYKM? An astronomical increase.
America’s entire healthcare system must be overhauled and or replaced with a new system designed to keep people healthy not the other way around!
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
It could be because of the you know what.